About us

Steigenberger Hotel & Resort Camp De Mar

Book your stay

in our hotels and resorts

  • Arborea beach exterior view
  • Berghotel Hammersbach
  • Hotel the YARD Berlin
  • Exterior view hotel entrance Das Ludwig
  • Hotel Fuerstenhof panorama terrace
  • Hotel Bad Honnef
  • Exterior view Maximilian
  • Steigenberger Hotel & Resort Camp De Mar
  • Moxy Hotel Rapperswil
  • Modern Times Hotel Vevey
  • Ramada Hotel Graz
  • arborea Marina Resort

    Neustadt in Holstein

  • Berghotel Hammersbach


  • Hotel the YARD Berlin


  • Hotel Das Ludwig Bad Griesbach

    Bad Griesbach

  • Hotel Fürstenhof Bad Griesbach

    Bad Griesbach

  • Hotel the YARD Bad Honnef

    Bad Honnef

  • Hotel Maximilian Bad Griesbach

    Bad Griesbach

  • Steigenberger Hotel & Resort Camp de Mar

    Camp de Mar

  • Moxy Rapperswil


  • Modern Times Hotel Vevey


  • Hotel Ramada Graz


Who is the RIMC?

Who is behind the "White Label"

The RIMC Hotels & Resorts Group, headquartered in Hamburg is one of the leading international hotel associations.
The top management is represented by CEO Marek N. Riegger.

RIMC Hotels & Resorts can boast great success with its idea of operating and, if necessary, revitalising hotels with customised management solutions. The portfolio of the group contains business hotels, city hotels, holiday hotels - of various categories - is currently a healthy and promising mix of hotel products. Further hotel projects are planned for 2023 on the German and international market.


Our corporate culture

RIMC stands for flat hierarchies with fast, short decision-making processes. We value the opinion of every employee and want to give everyone the opportunity to share it with us. For this reason, we follow an Open Door Policy in all our RIMC Hotels & Resorts. This means that you are welcome to speak directly to your directors and department heads at any time, our doors are always open and we listen to your suggestions, ideas for improvement, but also problems, because these should be solved before they lead to frustration or low morale. With us, you have the chance to develop personally and professionally. We want to accompany you on your career path and open up new avenues for you. You will have the opportunity to develop your skills through training and development and to move up within the hotel or the entire RIMC Hotels & Resorts Group. This means that a quick and easy transfer between the world-renowned hotel brands is also possible for you.

Our corporate vision: Growing and treading new paths together

As an internationally operating company, it is important for us that our national companies and all associated RIMC Hotels & Resorts grow ever closer together. You contribute to the success of RIMC and we would like to go new ways together with you to shape the future of our hotels and of each employee.

Our corporate values

"Respect is the only thing that multiplies when shared." Marek N. Riegger Our clear value is based on the motto of our managing partners. We see ourselves as a team of employees, guests, investors and suppliers. Respecting each other and living it are our top priorities.

The core area

Three pillars have been defined on which we always rely.

  • As core value we focus on the long-term operation of hotel properties and we also assume the entire operator risk.

  • The main goal of our expansion strategy is to extend the international network and to open up new markets.

  • RIMC as a value-adding provider of hotel and mixed-use properties: When assessing a property, the investor and capitalised earnings value are always in the foreground.

Mission Statement

Here are the three main facts of our philosophy, which were characterized with the foundation of the RIMC.

  • RIMC never uses its own name to brand the properties but rather uses internationally known brands via franchising and is thus the "Whitelabel" of the hotel industry.

  • It is crucial to treat every hotel project individually and to conclude tailor-made contracts, regardless of whether it is a management -, hybrid -, or lease contract.

  • A hotel is open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The labour costs are often much higher than the return on investment. In order to avoid this, RIMC stands for synergies within and around the hotel.

  • RIMC Hamburg

    The management

    Who are actually the string pullers and faces behind the scenes? Get to know our management team.

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The Management